Vision and mission


Forma Futura's vision is the sustainable transformation of the financial sector - and thereby also the transformation of the real economy.


Forma Futura strives to be an inspiration for a financial industry that serves its clients, society, and the environment.

Forma Futura enables clients to invest their financial assets responsibly. Through new perspectives and our work, we aim to drive change towards a robust financial system that serves the real economy.

Forma Futura also specifically supports the sustainability transformation of the economy, both through financial flows and through knowledge transfer by engaging in dialogue with companies.


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Christian Kobler

Christian Kobler

Founding Partner, Member of the Board

«I am pleased to see that our vision of sustainable asset management has developed so well in the demanding Swiss financial market that it has reached the point where we have an established company with satisfied customers and employees. The more investors invest their money responsibly, the stronger the impulse will be towards a sustainable financial system.»